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5 Signs You Need a New Hot Water Tank

Mar 21, 2024

A functional hot water tank makes life easier and more sanitary. When it's no longer functioning, it could be hard to wash yourself or clean your home. Here are the signs that you need a new hot water tank installation.

1. Old Age

Do you know how old your current water tank is? Like any other feature in your home, it has an expected lifespan. You can expect a typical water tank to last six to 12 years with proper maintenance, according to Home Depot.

2. Regular Leaks

Regarding water leaks, you may assume they'll come only from pipes or roofing. However, a faulty water heater is also capable of leaking and causing the resulting damage to your property. If you notice water pooling around your water tank, don't ignore it. That's a sign that your water tank is deteriorating and needs a replacement. If left without attention, you'll be in a situation where you have a tank that could flood your home and cause mold.

3. Decreased Functionality

Of course, you expect your water tank to produce hot water. Hot water should be hot enough to kill germs and bacteria on your hands when you wash them and properly sanitize your house and laundry. When your tank loses efficiency, it may no longer heat your water as it should, and barely become warm.

4. High Bills

An inefficient hot water tank typically results in high electricity bills. If you upgrade to a more efficient tank, you may save on your heating costs. If you currently have a leaking water tank, it also affects your water bills as it's wasting water you still have to pay for.

5. Slow Heating

Your water heater may still produce hot water, but it's taking too long to heat up. In other words, hot water may have gone from automatically coming out of your faucet to taking several minutes to heat up. This can be massively inconvenient and can affect your morning and evening routine, as it now may take several more minutes to properly shower because you have to wait for the hot water to come out.

Is your hot water tank giving you the above problems and more? You could stop those issues by getting the right professional in your home. Contact our team at Air Comfort for your
hot water tank installation needs. We offer a one-year guarantee and emergency care.

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